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Families of Veterans

  • Sesame Street for Military Families – I list this site first for those families with young kids because we have to think of the kids wellbeing first and foremost. Kids love Sesame Street and they share some pretty awesome ideas on this site on how to handle life from the routine to changes including deployments, homecomings, relocations, injuries, grief, self-expression and adjusting to civilian life. Give them a look.
  • MILITARY ONE SOURCE – Military OneSource is a free service provided by the Department of Defense to service members and their families to help with a broad range of concerns including money management, spouse employment and education, parenting and child care, relocation, deployment, reunion, and the particular concerns of families with special-needs members. They can also include more complex issues like relationships, stress, and grief. Services are available 24 hours a day — by telephone and online.
  • Sons and Daughters In Touch – To locate, unite and provide support to Sons, Daughters and other family members of those who died or remain missing as a result of the Vietnam War; to produce a quarterly newsletter providing important information to all SDIT stakeholders; to promote healing via networking and special projects, to regularly address high schools and college classes in hopes of providing education on the historical and emotional legacy of war.
  • Scholarships for Military Spouses & Dependents – This site from Best helps guide our Military spouses and children to find the best way to help fund furthering their education. From finding scholarships to federal funding it is very informative and helpful.
  • Little Patriots Embraced – Help reduce the emotional and psychological stress that military family members have due to separation, relocation, or death of a loved one. In addition it is our plan to thank these military family members with a special focus on the children for their sacrifices for our country.
  • Military Child Education Coalition – Is focused on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all Military Children affected by mobility, family separation and transition.
  • Our Military Kids – Provides substantial support in the form of grants to the children of National Guard and Military Reserve personnel who are currently  deployed overseas, as well as the children of Wounded Warriors in all branches. The grants from Our Military Kids pay for participation in sports, fine arts, camps, and tutoring programs that nurture and sustain children while a parent is away in service to our country or recovering from injury.
  • Snowball Express – To create hope and new memories for the children of our Fallen Heroes who have died while serving our Country since 9/11.
  • T.A.P.S. Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors – 800-959-8277 (TAPS) Survivors Helping Survivors Heal. We are here 24/7, whether it is just talk or meet others with shared experiences and understanding, or to find support and information from our professional network of resources.
  • Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. – Organization of widows and widowers whose spouses have died while on active duty in the Military Services, or as  result of a Military Service connected issue. We have 8 regions and 53 chapters in 26 states. The primary mission of the GSW is to provide service, support and friendship to widows and widowers whose spouses have died while on active duty in the Military Services, or as  result of a Military Service connected issue. Please check our site and the links as we hope it will help.
  • American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. – We are an organization of mothers who have lost a son or daughter in the Service of or Country. We are active in many events around the Country so please come join us.
  • Gold Star Dad’s of America – The Gold Star Dads organization was created to bring together the gold star fathers in a single community enabling them to honor and remember their son’s or daughter’s, and to support one another in our loss. First and foremost we are a Gold Star Family Support Organization.
  • Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. – We are mothers who now have, or have had, children honorably serving in the Military. There are several chapters in Indiana, just check the link to Chapters.
  • National Military Family Association – The National Military Family Association is at the forefront of the issues that matter most to military families. Whether it is writing letters in support of legislation, keeping track of bills in Congress, or providing testimony, if it affects military families, we are here. We remain constantly updated on the latest issues that affect the lives of military families and provide a voice for their concerns. We care about the quality of life for military families and the issues they are faced with every day.
  • Veterans Holidays – Vacations for Veterans and their Families all around the world. Several sites have sales from $349.00 and up per week!! Armed Forces Vacation Club on Facebook informs you of their upcoming specials.

Disclaimer:The web sites listed above are not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by the Hamilton County Veterans Corp., or its Officers, and has no official or unofficial affiliation with the Hamilton County Veterans Corp., or its Officers, or its membership. This web page was created as a resource for the members of the Hamilton County Veterans Corp. as well as use by the general public