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Homeless Veterans / Veterans in Need

These sites have links that will assist our homeless Veterans and their Families

  • Healthcare & Medical Resources for Our Homeless – Western Governors University published this website to raise awareness regarding homelessness and to advocate for this portion of the population by providing resources and information on available healthcare, clinics, shelters, rescue missions, community health centers amd so much more. This is an awesome site for information to help our homeless!!
  • Hoosier Veterans Assistance Foundation – HVAF of Indiana, Inc., a United Way non-profit organization, is dedicated to eliminating homelessness for veterans and families through prevention, education, employment services, supportive services and advocacy. HVAF provides supportive, structured housing to Indiana veterans with the assistance necessary to ensure successful independent living in the community.
  • Easter Seals Crossroads Right here in Indianapolis, 4740 Kingsway Drive, works under an HVRP grant provided through the Department of Labor. We provide personalized assistance with resume’ building, interviewing skills, networking, and other job search skills. We connect the Veteran directly with the employer and help them sustain this position by offering gas cards, bus passes, auto repair, work clothing, tools, and anything else that will help them maintain good employment. We help veterans thrive!
  • Homeless & ReEntry Helpers (HRH’s) and Helpers Helping Others Outreach Team (HHOOT) work together to bring businesses, government, volunteers, street outreach, street ministries & service providers together to better serve our homeless, seniors, Veterans, offenders and ex-offenders. Anyone in need is encouraged to contact one of HRH’s Support Coaches Monday thru Friday from 10am to 4pm at 916 E. Michigan St. in Indy or call for an appointment 317-635-0500. Where anyone in need can get a hot meal, clothing & personal hygiene items. Click HERE to see all their links for Jobs, Housing, Education & Government Listings.
  • Homeless & ReEntry Helpers Housing Partners (HRHHP) – Partner with private investors (our partners) to purchase Surplus Properties from the Marion County Treasurer’s office the LandBank, Tax Sales and other sources. These properties are then rehabbed, sold, rented or leased to low income families. To date, HRH’s Housing Partners have purchased, rehabbed and returned 194 of 196 properties back to Indy’s tax base since May 2011. HRHHP is a great example on how non-profit companies, in partnership with, the public (city & county) and private sector (investors) can help solve some of societies problems in creating jobs and low-income housing for those in need.
  • The National Military Family Association will fight for benefits and programs that strengthen and protect uniformed services families and reflect the Nation’s respect for their Service. We speak for you! We work with and testify before Congress to fight for legislation important to military families, but more importantly, we help military families recognize their potential to be their own advocates.
  • Resources Available for Homeless – This site lists many of the resources that are available for our homeless Veterans. It covers medical care, legal assistance, employment help, federal and state resources for housing, food, counseling and education as well as other coalitions and outreach initiatives.
  • Rent Deals dot com is another great resource page for homeless Veterans. They have links to many VA, non VA, not for profit, businesses and organizations who will assist one to get back on their path to independence and freedom.
  • The VAs Homeless Veterans Resources page also has many links that will assist you in your progress of getting back on your feet including links to health care, mental care, dental care, vision and they help you fill out the forms needed to get these services.
  • Homeless Initiative Program – Helps homeless persons living on the street or in a mission/shelter or transitional housing or if you are being evicted due to low or no income in Marion and Monroe counties. They work with many agencies to help you reach a level of self-sufficiency within your goals and capabilities. Help with housing, employment / training, case management, Veteran’s Assistance and outreach. Call for appointments 317-957-2275.
  • The National Guard Veterans Project is to resolve housing crises for National Guard Veterans who are homeless or facing eviction in Hamilton County, Indiana. Here is the Project Brochure. The project will award up to $1,000.00 per Veteran household for security deposits, rental assistance and past due rent or utilities. This project is funded by the Sheehan Family Foundation and is operated in partnership with Aspire Indiana. This is a financial assistance program only, so in order for a Service Member to access the program they will need to be referred by a case manager/service provider working with the Military family. Have your case manager/service provider fill out this referral packet including the W9 Form and include the needed documents, then email them to [email protected] or call 317-237-5770. Intecare 8604 Allisonville Rd Suite 325 Indianapolis, In 46250 for more specific information. This is strictly for National Guard Veterans here in Hamilton County, Indiana.

Disclaimer:The web sites listed above are not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by the Hamilton County Veterans Corp., or its Officers, and has no official or unofficial affiliation with the Hamilton County Veterans Corp., or its Officers, or its membership. This web page was created as a resource for the members of the Hamilton County Veterans Corp. as well as use by the general public