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Homes, Mortgage, Mods & Relo Aids

Links to sites where our Military and Veterans can get help in acquiring and keeping their homes, modifying them to fit their needs as well as relocation aids and guidance.

Non-Profits Who Assist Veterans Buying A Home or Keeping One

  • Homes 4 Wounded Warriors – Military Warriors Support Foundation awards mortgage-free homes to wounded Heroes injured during combat in Iraq & Afghanistan. They also offer mortgage free homes to Gold Star Spouses. The homes are for families who have severe and/or unique circumstances due to their injuries received while serving our Country. In addition to their new home they will receive 3 years of family and financial mentoring!!
  • Homes for Heroes – Is how our Military, Veterans, First Responders, Healthcare Workers and Teachers may save money when buying or selling their home. You just need to work with a Homes for Heroes real estate specialist to save $$. It is our way of saying ”Thank You” to our Heroes.
  • Hoosier Veterans Assistance Foundation – HVAF of Indiana, Inc., a United Way non-profit organization, is dedicated to eliminating homelessness for veterans and families through prevention, education, employment services, supportive services and advocacy. HVAF provides supportive, structured housing to Indiana veterans with the assistance necessary to ensure successful independent living in the community.
  • Homeless & ReEntry Helpers (HRH’s) and Helpers Helping Others Outreach Team (HHOOT) work together to bring businesses, government, volunteers, street outreach, street ministries & service providers together to better serve our homeless, seniors, Veterans, offenders and ex-offenders. Anyone in need is encouraged to contact one of HRH’s Support Coaches Monday thru Friday from 10am to 4pm at 916 E. Michigan St. in Indy or call for an appointment 317-635-0500. Where anyone in need can get a hot meal, clothing & personal hygiene items. Click HERE to see all their links for Jobs, Housing, Education & Government Listings.
  • Homeless & ReEntry Helpers Housing Partners (HRHHP) – Partner with private investors (our partners) to purchase Surplus Properties from the Marion County Treasurer’s office the LandBank, Tax Sales and other sources. These properties are then rehabbed, sold, rented or leased to low income families. To date, HRH’s Housing Partners have purchased, rehabbed and returned 194 of 196 properties back to Indy’s tax base since May 2011. HRHHP is a great example on how non-profit companies, in partnership with, the public (city & county) and private sector (investors) can help solve some of societies problems in creating jobs and low-income housing for those in need.
  • Homeless Initiative Program – Helps homeless persons living on the street or in a mission/shelter or transitional housing or if you are being evicted due to low or no income in Marion and Monroe counties. They work with many agencies to help you reach a level of self-sufficiency within your goals and capabilities. Help with housing, employment / training, case management, Veteran’s Assistance and outreach. Call for appointments 317-957-2275.
  • The National Guard Veterans Project is to resolve housing crises for National Guard Veterans who are homeless or facing eviction in Hamilton County, Indiana. Here is the Project Brochure. The project will award up to $1,000.00 per Veteran household for security deposits, rental assistance and past due rent or utilities. This project is funded by the Sheehan Family Foundation and is operated in partnership with Aspire Indiana. This is a financial assistance program only, so in order for a Service Member to access the program they will need to be referred by a case manager/service provider working with the Military family. Have your case manager/service provider fill out this referral packet including the W9 Form and include the needed documents, then email them to [email protected] or call 317-237-5770. Intecare 8604 Allisonville Rd Suite 325 Indianapolis, In 46250 for more specific information. This is strictly for National Guard Veterans here in Hamilton County, Indiana.

Grants for Home & Remodeling

  • – is Our website provides comprehensive details on grants for veterans. These grants are given away for free, and they could help low income veterans with bills, mortgage, rent, housing, college, and medications . Please note that grants are only given for veterans who can prove financial difficulties. Apply for multiple grants to ensure your needs are met. We offer information on the following :
    (1) grants for rent (2) housing assistance (3) help with bills (4) education grants (5) medical bills grants (6) business grants
  • – Listed here are free grants and financial assistance programs that help women with medication, housing, medical bills, rent, utility bills, child care, education, and mortgage, among others.
  • Grants for Home Modifications for Disabled Homeowners – This guide is designed to provide information on many of the available grants to improve your quality of life at home. You will find grants that are intended for all kinds of recipients, whether your disability is one you were born with or the result of a previous medical condition. You will find information on nationwide and state specific programs, as well as suggestions on what modifications may be the most rewarding for you.
  • Disability Housing Grants for Veterans SHA & SAH – They offer housing grants for Veterans and service members with certain service connected disabilities so they can buy or change a home to meet their needs and live more independently.
  • VA Housing Grants for Disabled Veterans – If you are a military veteran or service member with a disability, you may be eligible for housing grants from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 4 types of grants for disabled Veterans are explained here. Each type of grant provides funding support to veterans who need to adapt their residences to meet their medical needs. You should get to know key facts about four VA disability housing grants to understand whether you may qualify.
  • Home Depot Veteran Housing Grants – The foundation’s Veteran Housing Grant Program awards grants to 501c3 non-profit organizations who are linked with Veterans in need of new construction or rehabilitation of their permanent residence. Awards range from $100,000 to $500,000.
  • Grants for Solar Panels – This site has links to grants for Low-income families to acquire solar panels to keep our environment green.

Home Modifications & Assistive Technology for Disabled Veterans

  • Fire Preparedness in Your Home with a guide for Veterans with disabilities. Having a plan in place and learning about fire safety, making your home fire safe, and planning escape routes, fire does not have to be as deadly as it has become.
  • Home Improvement Resources for Elderly & Disabled – This lists the laws and protections for individuals with disabilities, common home mods for the disabled and elderly, how to hire the right contractor and acquire grants to pay for these remodels.
  • Housing Resources for People With Disabilities – This will help guide a Veteran with disabilities in finding a home that fits their needs, explain the different mortgage programs for people with disabilities, discuss different grants for buying homes and modifying the home as well as community support organizations offering financial assistance.
  • Home Modifications and Assistive Technology for Disabled Military Veterans This guide offers a comprehensive overview of the most common disabilities that military personnel acquire, and offers ideas and available resources for modifications and adaptive technology equipment that can help them adjust and reestablish their home life, career, and future. This guide also provides information on available financial assistance, and additional resources for service members and their families.
  • Home Elevator has information for modifying one’s home for aging or disabled individuals so they may continue to live in their homes safely. Their products range from home elevators, lift chairs, dumbwaiters to stair lifts.
  • Guide for People With Disabilities on Protecting their Home from Extreme Weather – It’s no easy task prepping your home for extreme weather. This urgent need for preparation along with accessibility issues, medication needs, communication barriers, and mobility issues places people with disabilities in a uniquely dangerous spot. However, there are ways for people with all varieties of disabilities visible and invisible to prepare well for emergency weather situations, keeping everyone safe and sound in the process.

Home Mortgage Companies

  • VA Loans A report researched by US News and World Reports covers all aspects of the VA loan. It covers how a VA loan works, advantages, disadvantages, how to apply and how to choose the best VA Lender including a Lists of the best VA Mortgage Lenders of 2018. Here is a link to a VA Loan Calculator to estimate your payments and closing costs.
  • Consumer Affairs website discusses the pros and cons of a reverse mortgage, and they fully explain what it is and the whole process. We should all read their site before we make any decisions about using a reverse mortgage. This link lists the top mortgage companies who handle reverse mortgages.
  • Retirement Living Center has done the research and found the 6 best Reverse Mortgage Companies for 2019 as well as listing several tips one could use in making the right decisions. Look their website over if you are looking for ideas on how to setup a reverse mortgage.
  • Home Loans For All is a comprehensive site fully explaining VA Home Loans. For specific info on VA Home Loans in Hamilton County, go HERE.
  • Help for American Veterans – covers everything from Financial, Debt, Housing, Education, Employment, Benefit Entitlement, Services & Compensation to Mental Health concerns for our Veterans.
  • Aging Veterans – How to Plan Wisely for Your Future – This website assists our Veterans with several housing services like VA home loans, housing assistance for homeless Veterans, loan delinquency, foreclosure and housing programs. It also has many good links for Medical Care, Investments and Miscellaneous Benefits as well as Appealing a VA Decision. Check them out!!
  • Reverse.Mortgage – Anything and everything you need to know about reverse mortgages. We offer free calculators (without personal info needed), decision making guides, extensive blogs and educational materials to make an educated decision when it comes to a reverse mortgage. Use this LINK to go to their page for 2020’s best reverse mortgage lenders.

Options Finding a Home or Storage Location & Understanding Your Rights When Relocating

  • At we will assist you in looking for off-base housing or military houses for rent after a PCS. Whether you’re in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or the Marines, we’re here to help all service-members get the home they deserve. is one of the most comprehensive apartment finder sites available, and our simple search tools allow you to narrow down apartments by city and state, zip code, college or military base. Once you’ve found your ideal location, you can refine your search by number of bedrooms and bathrooms, floor plan, neighborhood and amenity, all while remaining in your price range.
  • Military Moving Guide for Your PCS Move – This is the ultimate moving guide with all the steps to follow when making your next PCS move. This will help you navigate the rules and regulations as well as deal with all the red tape…
  • Moving Options is here to help you when it’s time to relocate. One of the best and worst parts of being in a military family is seeing and living all over the world. While you get to experience different places and cultures quite often, you also have to endure the moving process more than you’d like to. Fortunately, there are companies out there to help you with this move as much as possible and we have listed them on our pages for you to use.
  • Rent To Own Labs is a site to help you get the right home in the location you want and you will rent to own it. Purchasing a home is complicated if you are in the military. It is hard to make a long-term commitment to living in one area when you are unsure if you will be reassigned down the line. That’s why most bases include areas where housing is simple and easy to rent short-term. However, many of those in the military find it aggravating to spend money on rent that could be invested into owning a home. Money from your Basic Allowance for housing and money that you earn working hard should not line a landlord’s pockets. Instead, the money should contribute toward your future! Checkout their site for more answers.
  • Residential Leases and the Military – Understanding your rights as a Service Member – If you’re facing one of these situations, and you are not at the end of your existing lease, you need to understand your options so you know how to best proceed. A lease is a legally binding contract, and without the right protections in place, you could end up in serious legal trouble by walking away. This guide will help you understand the law surrounding leases and how it affects you as a member of the military. It will also help you understand what your options are if you have to break your lease because of your military service.
  • Your Storage has a Guide to Moving & Storage that will walk you through the basic thoughts one needs to assess prior to your next Military move.
  • StorageUnits GuideWe all encounter situations where additional space becomes necessary, sometimes quite literally. It could be that a basement or garage is brimming with belongings that still bring joy but consume excessive space. Alternatively, one might need more storage space for seasonal items or sports gear when transitioning to a new residence. Irrespective of the cause, leasing a self-storage unit is a flexible, cost-effective, and convenient solution. With this in mind, we created a guide covering all the essential information about storage facilities.

Transportation & Storage of Autos

  • Pilot Transport – Supports our Military/Veterans and they are sensitive to our needs. Many of our Military/Veterans across these great United States have special show cars and when it’s time to sell one or to move, Pilot Transport is your enclosed carrier. Pilot Transport is the premier specialty car carrier and vehicle solutions provider delivering 35,000 vehicles in 49 states and Canada every year. Their specialty is the shipping of test, prototype, show and limited production vehicles. Give Charles Postma a call, you’ll be glad you did. 800-252-7733 or 248-486-3367

Disclaimer:The web sites listed above are not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by the Hamilton County Veterans Corp., or its Officers, and has no official or unofficial affiliation with the Hamilton County Veterans Corp., or its Officers, or its membership. This web page was created as a resource for the members of the Hamilton County Veterans Corp. as well as use by the general public