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Transitioning from Military to Civilian Life

As we make the choice to depart from our Military life and transition back to civilian life, sometimes we face challenges that we may need assistance with so we may make the correct decision. These links may have the answers we are looking for. Good luck and welcome home brother/sister!!

Transitioning from Military to Civilian Life

  • Indiana National Guard Soldier & Family Readiness CenterThe 16 Indiana Army National Guard’s Soldier and Family Readiness Centers provides support to service membersVeterans and their families for a full range of situations and incidences that might hamper the mission, their quality of life or their overall wellbeing. We act as a one-stop shop for our Guard members who are seeking current and accurate information to help navigate local services and programs. This is offered irrespective of the service member’s marital or duty status whether they are single, married or with dependents – active guard reserve, traditional Soldiers or Veterans. In Hamilton County Mike Reid is our Indiana Soldier & Family Readiness Specialist – [email protected]
  • National Resource Directory (NRD) –  The National Resource Directory (NRD) is a resource website that connects wounded warriors, Service Members, Veterans, their families, and caregivers to programs and services that support them. The NRD is hosted, managed, maintained, sustained and developed by the Defense Health Agency’s Recovery Coordination Program. It provides access to services and resources at the national, state and local levels to support recovery, rehabilitation and community reintegration. Visitors can find information on a variety of topics that supply an abundance of vetted resources. For help finding resources on the site, visit the How to Use this Site section of the NRD.
  • Military Separation Guide for Active Duty Personnel – An overview of what you should know before you leave the Military. It’s never too early to begin preparations for your separation from active military service. The Department of Defense (DoD) recommends that you start your planning at least 12 months prior to separation, and 24 months prior to retirement, from active duty. The DoD’s Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is is a vital resource to ensure that your separation/retirement choices are truly in your, and your family’s, best interests. Transition counselors and online tools provide special transition benefits information, employment workshops, automated employment job-hunting tools and job banks, veteran benefits information, disabled veterans benefits information, and many other types of transition and other related information.
  • How to Plan for Life After Discharge – A comprehensive guide for NEW Veterans, from what paperwork to keep, health considerations, what-where-how to move, preparing a resume, to finding employment and a social life.
  • Transition Into a New Job – These  steps will assist one in the transition phase as they try to find a new career as a civilian. Things to think about and check off as you step into your new career.
  • AirmanToMom – This site was written by Amanda, a 6 year Air Force Veteran who has transitioned to being a stay at home mom and Air Force wife. Her perspective on assisting women in the Military to transitioning to being a mom and military wife lends a new look for those women who might be struggling or interested in finding ways through the maze of the Military and transition back to civilian life.
  • Women Veteran Resources – Our Women Veteran Resources program connects women Veterans with appropriate resources to help them transition to civilian life after leaving the military, and to provide them with resources and tools to transition to civilian life and to continue to be leaders in their communities.

Disclaimer:The web sites listed above are not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by the Hamilton County Veterans Corp., or its Officers, and has no official or unofficial affiliation with the Hamilton County Veterans Corp., or its Officers, or its membership. This web page was created as a resource for the members of the Hamilton County Veterans Corp. as well as use by the general public